

Everyone is talking about it, and the number of transformation changes is greater than before.It’s time to push your abs to exhaustion and fight the flab with new exercises with new exercises that are anything but a routine.And it’s not only 6-pack you’ll get;you’ll help prevent back pain,boosting your ability,increase flexibility and maintain strong abs at the same time,says Tom Holand exercise physiologist .Author Beat The Gym.

If you still cranking out 2000 fast-pace crunches a day, your wasting your time (and hurting your back).No matter how tough these exercises get , always remember the golden rule of abs workout: Quality over Quantity. Instead of ripping through the motion, slow down and get the most out of each rep.

I’ve put together a slate of top-level in no particular order , along with some explanation about what makes each of them great…

Kneeling Cable Crunch.

First off , it’s easy to sit back while doing this move, letting your hips flexor do much of the work. If you hit a flat back, you can hit the upper abdominal your back has to round!and lastly, your hand should stay in the same relative position next to your head for the duration of the set.Let them drift away on the electric and then pulling them back again beside your head brings slot of shoulder and upper body into the move.


The primary strength of this crunch is it’s versatility. You can do it on any cable stack and the way it allows you to use any level of resistance to train for the target rep range.still, lots of people perform them wrong.

Do this 3-set of 15-20 reps. If you find 20 reps too easy ,simply raise the angle of decline or use heavier ball or plate.


forget what you’ve heard about standing on a BOSU ball to increase your stabilizer .Research has it that if you just go heavy with your squat on the floor, you’ll get all the ab stimulus you want.

Sure squat is leg exercise and works well for legs and lower back,but is also crushes the abs.(Both front and back squats force your ab and spinal erectors to work overtime to maintain a neutral, upright position). Anyone who has pushed their potential on squats knows exactly why.


Include both back and front squat on your program on a regular basis.You can alternate weeks between back and front or rotate through them in four-week wave.

AB-Wheel Roller.

Build up-to 5 set of 6-11 reps, rolling all the way and back. If you can’t do all the reps prescribed, reduce the distance ten slowly work to extend it over a few weeks. Once you feel confident starting from knees, the next level of difficulty is going up from your toes.

ab wheel roller

This movement capitalizes on the concept of anti-extention perfectly; as you roll out, your trunk must actively fire to maintain your spine without collapsing under your body weight and gravity.


Russian Twist

Let’s do some Russian twist, because the oblique workout wouldn’t be complete if there was no rotational movement for the upper body

First get in the starting position, sit on the ground,or bench with your knees bent in about 45 degree angle.Then lean backwards so your feet lift off the floor.

Begin by twisting your torso (not only your head and your hands) from side to side. Your biggest danger here is letting your arms wave across your body and out of line with your torso. Keep your core embraced and rotate your upper body as far as you can. Turn at the waist ,not the shoulder and avoid pulling through you thigh on the decline bench.

Russian Twist

Do this exercise in the middle of your routine for 4 sets of 20 reps per side or more. Increase the degree of difficulty by increasing the angle of the bench or bending knees or using  a heavier ball.


Plank is done in the push up position on the floor, when  you bond your elbow 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbow should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.Hold the position for as long as you can.


Plank exercise is easy to manipulate the degree of difficulty. If a regular plank is easy for your, lift and arm or leg. These progressions lead to great stimulus to the abs.

Hold the plank position for at least 20-30 seconds. Rest for approximately one minute and repeat 3-5 times or more. When using correct form , it is not necessary to hold it for longer than this amount if time.


Hanging Knee Raise.

Hanging Knee Rais

Grab a bar and just hang, let the momentum disappear and do nothing until your body is still and legs are straight. Flex all your muscles especially your lats,abs and muscles surrounding your elbows. Slowly raise your feet up to the bar, remember to keep your legs straight.lower your legs and repeat.

The knee\legs raise is a strength training  which targets the interior hip flexor. Because the abdominal muscles are used issometricaly to stabilize the body during motion. Leg raise is also used to strengthen the rectus abdiminis muscle and the internal and external obique muscles.

You can alson increase the degree f difficulty by holding a medicine ball between your knees or ankle, which allows you to train on a lower rep range. Get your legs as high as possible on each rep, no matter the variation using mommentum to to swing them.

Do this move fisrt or second in your routine for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.


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